In order to facilitate payment by customers, our company can provide multiple payment channels: cash, bank transfer, check, Alipay and other online banking payment methods. Customers can choose the payment method according to their actual conditions. Our company can accept payment in Renminbi and US dollars for specific settlement. The exchange rate is subject to the bank's announcement on the day.

I. Cash

1. Customers can pay cash on the spot directly to our financial department or the recipient;

2. Cash only accepts Renminbi, and does not accept cash in other foreign currencies;

3. After payment in cash, our company will provide the receipt on the spot. The second red couplet will reserve the bottom copy for the customer. It must have the special stamp of our receipt as a valid note. This couplet is the proof of current reconciliation. Please keep your receipt.

Bank transfer

1. The customer's return is in the form of bank transfer. Our company has opened public and private accounts. Our company opens public accounts to Bank of China, and private banks have ICBC, China Merchants Bank, and Ping An Bank.

2. The public account is only used for shipping invoices. If no invoice is required, it can be transferred to our private account. All our quotes are exclusive of tax. If invoices are required, a 6% handling fee will be charged.

3. Our private account can be used for all customers, especially for small amount orders. Our private account has multiple banks that can support the transfer business. Customers can choose bank transfers according to their convenience.

Third, Alipay transfer

1. You can make an instant payment transaction directly through your Alipay account. Please use the name of the transferor or company to transfer the payment using Alipay, so that we can confirm with you as soon as possible after receiving the account;

2. Alipay transfers only accept RMB payments.
